Leading the Way in TBI Litigation

About Us

Formed in 1991, the Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group is a community of more than 400 brain injury attorneys and members of the American Association for Justice (AAJ) dedicated to sharing their knowledge, insights, and resources in the pursuit of better outcomes for victims of TBIs. 

Group Business Meeting In Reception Of Modern Office

Benefits of Membership

Members enjoy exclusive access to a member list server, document library, attendance at educational events, and—more importantly—opportunities to easily consult and share knowledge with some of the top brain injury trial attorneys in the United States and around the world.

Young professionals having a discussion in a modern office. Two happy young businesspeople smiling while walking together in a hallway. Cheerful colleagues collaborating on a new project.

Member Resources

Get expert medical information, scientific literature, and damage information

Quickly find colleagues to connect and consult with

Current Leadership

Andrew Abraham headshot
Andrew Abraham

Milton, MA

Jay Vaughn headshot
Jay Vaughn

Louisville, KY

Robert Collins

Houston, TX

Scott Blair headshot
Scott Blair

Edmonds, WA

Dorothy Clay Sims

Ocala, FL

TBI Victims Need Skilled, Knowledgeable Attorneys

Businesswoman Stands To Address Meeting Around Board Table

Many personal injury attorneys avoid serious brain injury cases. Causation—or even the mere existence of injury itself—can be difficult to prove. Juries are increasingly skeptical of the science. Defense attorneys will use any trick they can to sow doubt about the plaintiff’s credibility. 

More than ever, victims of devastating brain injuries require knowledgeable, skillful representation from attorneys who understand the latest science, and know how to present and prove causation and damages in ways that are convincing to insurance companies and juries. 

The TBI Litigation Group exists to provide attorneys with the connections, information, and tools they need to get justice for their TBI clients, get more and better TBI cases for their firms, educate the legal and insurance communities about TBI issues, and fight for better treatment and legal protections for TBI sufferers everywhere. 

Upcoming Events

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